To convert your saved data to volts, use the following equation:

Sample value x Gain / Bit resolution = Real sample value (µV)

When using the alphaRS Headstage, the bit resolution is 0.195 µV.

To convert data received from the Alpha Omega system, use the Converter software.

Spike2 enables the import of Alpha Omega files and identifies all types of events and marker data in the MPX file format

Generally, less than 30 µV peak-to-peak is acceptable for data recording.

The default path is C:\logging_data. To change the default path, check the logging directory under Option → Logging Option.

Ensure that all needed channels are selected under OptionLogging OptionSelect Channels

Check that the detection line (blue line) is in the signal range.

  • MATLAB Offline Analysis: Convert your saved data from .MPX to .MAT format and open the files (.MAT) directly in MATLAB.
  • Third-Party Software: You can open the .MPX format through Spike2/Offline Sorter and NeuroExplorer. Choose the Alpha Omega file format to open .MPX files in third-party software.
  • Other Methods/Programming Software: Convert your saved data from .MPX to .txt format, then open the text file directly in your software.

Each headstage has a sampling rate of 30,000 Hz.

When using the AlphaLab SnR Headstage, the bit resolution is linked to the gain of the headstage:

  • Preamp Gain 1 = 1.9 µV
  • Preamp Gain 10 = 0.19 µV
  • alphaRS Headstage has the gain value of 192
  • AlphaLab SnR Headstage has the gain value of 20

The alphaRS Pro main unit has the following inputs and outputs for connecting or syncing with other systems:

  • 16 single-bit digital outputs
  • 8 outputs ± 5.0 V, 16-bit analog outputs
  • 8 digital input channels (TTLs), 16-bit digital input port
  • 8 differential analog input channels with 16-bit resolution and a dynamic range of ±5V

For more information about the ports please refer to the alphaRS manual

You can program waveforms using Alpha Omega's software or the MATLAB/C++/C# SDK. Refer to the manuals for more information:

  • alphaRS: Section 11.1 "Simple Stimulation"
  • AlphaLab SnR: Section 4.12 "Defining and Loading Waves"

Alternatively, contact your support representative.

All Alpha Omega files are saved in an.MPX format. To open the saved data, use our converter to convert it to Matlab or text format.

For more information refer to the manual

Yes, you can perform both online and offline analysis using MATLAB:

  • Online Analysis: Use the SDK.
  • Offline Analysis: Convert your saved data from .MPX to .MAT format using the Alpha Omega converter, then open the files directly in MATLAB.

Yes, online data analysis can be performed using C++. Use Alpha Omega's C++ SDK.

  • The ground is used for common-mode rejection. The primary purpose of the ground is to prevent power line noise from interfering with the small biopotential signals of interest. By design, amplifiers should not be affected by large changes in potential at both the active and reference sites. A ground electrode for electrophysiology recordings is often placed on the skull of the animal by a screw or anywhere on the body by a needle.
  • The reference connects the reference electrode; in electrophysiology recordings, this electrode is usually placed in an inactive area near the recording electrodes. The measured electrical potential differences are ideally the voltage drops from the active electrode (connected to Vin+ on the amplifier) to the reference electrode (connected to Vin- on the amplifier).
  • It is possible to shorten the ground and the reference but not the ideal connection.